Progetto Hanoi: Desk per l’internazionalizzazione in Vietnam

Dopo un’intensa attività di advisory ed erogazione di servizi integrati per l’internazionalizzazione del comparto PMI su Cina, Giappone e Corea, il nostro studio di consulenza consolida una partnership di valore sul Vietnam avviando con Progetto Hanoi una collaborazione di sostanza su una delle aree attualmente più strategiche non solo per posizionamento produttivo in Asia orientale … Continua a leggere

New frontier of B2b – the business tours and cross media effects on negotiations

Too many times we’ve heard about international exhibitions that are important on worldwide scene due their well named reference that offers us the opportunity to collect lot of contacts and being protagonist of direct introduction in the field under international perspective. Most of the times we realized then that even if the event has been … Continua a leggere

Target Asia: study programmes, part time jobs and scholarships for University, the open door for careers in East Asia

The internationalization process in East Asian markets is not limited to trade and business relations between companies of different countries, but affects also the management of human resources. Consulting institutes, networking specialists and training centres do not confine their focus on experienced senior & top managers, but are rather interested in young and talented people … Continua a leggere

Japan for young designers: Interior Lifestyle Tokyo 2013 – the support program

Tokyo has been always fascinated by design and it tried to be one of most important metropolitan centres in Asia for artistic influences collected from different countries, following a pretty clear interest about mixture for technology and traditional design, that makes this city an unicum in the world. If japanese designers and architects are well … Continua a leggere

Tokyo: new training program for Business Management and Internship in Japan

TOKYO: The number of students that have got degree in oriental languages studies is increasing in Europe. One reason could be for sure the improtance that such markets are getting on international scene and the interest for join these new opportunities is bringing new professionals towards learning japanese and chinese languages. Languages are necessary to … Continua a leggere