Expo 2015 – Brand promoting e Marketing per Food & Beverage

Mancano meno di due mesi all’inizio della grande esposizione universale di cui Milano è città ospitante, i lavori per la costruzione dei padiglioni proseguono, come anche crescono i numeri preventivi in merito all’afflusso di visitatori. Secondo le stime, saranno oltre 21 milioni i visitatori previsti a Milano, di cui almeno 6 saranno stranieri: queste cifre … Continua a leggere

Discovering Korea: join the itinerant training program

130 anniversary of bilateral commercial relations between Korea and Italy represents an important step forward for intensification of business dynamics between Europe and Korea as well. In cooperation with CUPI Center for Union of International Perspective – in particular the section operative on Lombardia Region – and Asian Studies Group (with Hq in Milan), centre … Continua a leggere

Business Development in occasion of Water Expo Korea 2013: Daegu introduces new scenario for international business

Korea is driving fast, leaded by massive Chaebols through direct investments on international market, it is strengthening its role of well structured economy among eastern Asia players. Even if sometimes private industry boosted national image faster than political and institutional actions have done before, during last year, after nomination on February of new president of … Continua a leggere